NeoCity is located within one of the five areas designated as Opportunity Zones in Osceola County.
The Opportunity Zone Program was created by the Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 to encourage businesses, developers and financial institutions to invest long-term capital in low-income census tract areas, and spur Economic Development by providing tax benefits to investors. Investments are made in Opportunity Zones through U.S. Treasury Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds.
The County’s role in the Opportunity Zones program is to connect funding with projects, develop a pipeline of projects ready to receive investment and to leverage these projects and tax advantages to create new opportunities and jobs for residents.
To learn more about the unique tax advantages of investing in Opportunity Zones, click here.
NeoCity has the potential to spur major job creation for Osceola County residents, not only on research and development and tech-related fields, but also in supporting sectors. NeoCity is aligned with the region’s and state’s goal for economic development, targeted industries and job creation, and seeks to leverage its ideal location and highly skilled workforce to create jobs and wealth for Osceola County residents.
NeoCity is surrounded by some of the top ranking schools in the nation, ensuring a talent pool filled with quality professionals ready to meet the ever growing workforce demands. With a strong talent pipeline of more than 500,000 higher education students within a 100-mile radius, NeoCity is at the center of one of the nation’s fastest growing population and employment markets, ensuring a strong and stable labor pool in a community that will remain among the nation’s top growing metropolitan areas well into the future.

If you are looking for access, NeoCity is the right place. A full-service municipal airport, plus two major International airports nearby, a top-notch quadramodal seaport, efficient highway systems like Florida’s Turnpike and the Poinciana Expressway and SunRail, the region’s commuter rail system, NeoCity is ideally connected.