NEO PSP LottingPlan-02_(24x36)-1-min

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NeoCity accommodates a wide variety of building types and uses within an urban grid framework of public spaces, views and trail connections. This connected grid creates a walkable urban form, allows for active building frontage on streets, and provides flexibility in long term development of the district.

Benefits for those looking to locate on the site include

  • An existing, innovative approved Master Plan
  • Expedited permitting
  • Zoning, sewer, and water permits for full scale manufacturing
  • Electric capacity from on-site substation for 200 megawatts of electric load

Site Characteristics

Zoning is Employment Commercial, the most intense commercial district within the County.
Extensive borings were completed. The site has been mass graded and compacted with fill coming from onsite ponds.
All permits are issued and wetland impacts are mitigated with the Army Corps of Engineers.
All permits are issued and wetland impacts are mitigated with the South Florida Water Management District. The site was developed anticipating 85% impervious over the basin. This means impervious can vary higher and lower across the site but ultimately equals to 85% impervious.
Air quality in Osceola County meets all FDOE criteria.


Water: Toho Water Authority (TWA)

Capacity to serve up to 1.9 million gallons per day
16′ and 24′ transmission mains less than one mile of the site
New 24″ water main along Neptune Road to the site

Waste Water: Toho Water Authority (TWA)

Capacity to serve up to 1.66 Million Gallons per Day
12″ – 16″ gravity, 6″-12″ forced mains

Reclaimed Water: Toho Water Authority (TWA)

Water Reclamation Pond planned onsite connecting to pipeline along Neptune Road
12” and 8” mains on site

Power: Kissimmee Utility Authority

On-site substation sized to accommodate 200 megawatts of electric load
Expandable to provide up to six transmission lines
Expandable to accommodate a 230 kv transmission capable of increasing overall capacity
Capable of providing transmission level voltage service of 69kv
Ring bus configuration
Independent dual feed kv electrical system


Natural gas line less than one mile from site